Anton Prusov commissions

Prices, formats and contact information

bust: $100

Background: +$30
less rendered: -$30

a drawing of your character from the chest up, with a close-up of the face and a possible background.

half body: $180

Background: +$50
less rendered: -$50

waist-length drawing of your character and a possible background.

fullbody: $250

Background: +$50
less rendered: -$50

drawing from head to feet with a possible background.

creature: $120+

background: +$30
less rendered: -$30

If you have a nonhumanoid creature (for example: monster, dragon, animal, ghost, pet, spirit, insect etc.), I will be glad to make this type of art too

multifigure: $1000+

5 and more figures
background included in price

If you have a campaign or interested in getting artwork with big amount of characters/figures, feel free to discuss it in my DMs or by email letter

My turnaround time:
if you don't have a straight deadline, I will do your artwork for ~2-4 months.
Feel free to send me your art ideas.

Contact information

You can contact me by email:
[email protected]
And also at any of the links below: